Microwave circuits
Contact: Leo de Vreede

Projects under this theme
Digital tRAnSmitTer ICs
This project aims to develop DTX ICs for highly-integrated and energy-efficient mMIMO base stations.
Smart Energy Efficient Digital Communication
SEEDCOM aims for fully integrated energy efficient wideband transmitters
smart Everything everywhere Access to content through Small cells Technologies
EAST is focused on the development of Small cell technologies for 5G applications up to 6 GHz
Integrated Near Field sensOrs for high Resolution MicrowavE spectRoscopy
The goal of this project is the creation of a new class of sensors, enabling fast and accurate dielectric characterization of biological samples, with high-sensitivity and high-spatial resolution.
High Power RF-DAC
This project investigates the next generation of high power RF-DACs and digital intensive receivers
Merging electronics and Micro-nano PHotonics in integrated systeMs
Research program for developing an integration platform for high-frequency electronics with micro- and nano-photonics.