RF electronics
Contact: Masoud Babaie

Projects under this theme
Digital tRAnSmitTer ICs
This project aims to develop DTX ICs for highly-integrated and energy-efficient mMIMO base stations.
Energy Efficient Radar TX
In the next years, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are expected to transform cars into securely-connected self-driving robots with the capability of sensing the environment, thinking, and acting autonomously. CRUISE facilitates transforming to this near era.
Energy Efficient Wideband Transmitter, NXP Partnership ‘Advanced 5G Solutions’
This project providing enhanced average efficiency in wideband wireless transmitters while withstanding the changing load conditions that can occur in handheld devices and MIMO/smart-antenna communication systems.
Digitally Dominant Analog Blocks for Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Sensor Network
All-digital phase-locked loops, inductor/capacitor-based DC-DC switching converters
Smart Energy Efficient Digital Communication
SEEDCOM aims for fully integrated energy efficient wideband transmitters
smart Everything everywhere Access to content through Small cells Technologies
EAST is focused on the development of Small cell technologies for 5G applications up to 6 GHz
High Power RF-DAC
This project investigates the next generation of high power RF-DACs and digital intensive receivers
Time-Domain RF and Analog Signal Processing
From RF to MMW and THz silicon SoC technologies
Silicon technology platforms for emerging RF, millimetre-wave and THz consumer applications.

MSc students
- Qian Kun
- Frank van der Tang
- Manno Versluis
- Zichen Zhao
- Xing Gao (2024)
- Olasoji Makinwa (2024)
- David Denekamp (2024)
- Lianbo Liu (2023)
- Heqi Deng (2023)
- Aschraf Gardouh (2023)
- Erwin Allebes (2023)
- Jiang Liu (2022)
- Pieter van der Kamp (2022)
- Atharva Deshpande (2022)
- Praneetha Sannidhanam (2021)
- Quinten Bruinsma (2021)
- Jos Hof vt (2021)
- Ąžuolas Faustas Bagdonas (2021)
- Richard Coesoij (2021)
- Haris charalampidis (2021)
- Martijn Hoogelander (2020)
- Madhumitha Jayavel (2020)
- Bagas Prabowo (2020)
- Xixi Tong (2020)
- Elke van der Lingen (2020)
- Anil Kumar Kumaran (2020)
- Jun Feng (2020)
- Armin Šabanović (2019)
- Charlotte Treffers (2019)
- Sarthak Sharma (2019)