dr.ir. C.J.M. Verhoeven
Electronic Circuits and Architectures (ELCA), Department of Microelectronics
Expertise: Design methodology for Analog Electronics, electronics for nano satellites, electronics for (swarm) robots
Themes: Space electronics systemsBiography
Ir. Dr. C.J.M. (Chris) Verhoeven is an associate professor in the department of microelectronics at the Delft University of Technology since 1999. His research interests are systematic analog design, RF circuits, adaptive radio systems, sensor electronics and avionics for drones, sounding rockets and nano-satellites.
Since 2007 he is part-time employed at the faculty of Aerospace Engineering in the Space Systems Engineering lab. He was responsible for the design and implementation of the electronics for the Delfi-C3 nano-satellite that was successfully launched in 2008 that still operational after nearly 8 years. He is still involved in the development of future nanosatellite missions of the TU-Delft and one of the initiators of the national OLFAR project (Orbiting Low Frequency Array); a moon-orbiting radio telescope based on a swarm of nano-satellites.
Since 2013 Chris Verhoeven is Theme Leader of the Swarm Theme of the TU-Delft Robotics Institute that does research on swarms of underwater robots, rovers, drones and nano satellites and that supports student research on controlled sounding rockets in the Korolev Lab of the institute. He is also Theme Leader of the Space Robotics Theme of the TU-Delft Space Institute, with a focus on micro propulsion and space born mechatronics.
Presentation (in Dutch) Studium generale "Robots zijn dieren - YouTube"
Presentation (in Dutch) Studium generale "Big Data, het einde van de wetenschap? – YouTube"
EE4109 Structured electronic design
A systematic approach to the design of analog electronic circuits
ET-Mi-201 Electronics for Robotics
ET3604LR Electronic circuits
Introduction to electronics
ET8011MSC Structured electronic design laboratory
Master class in analog electronic design
Education history
EE3C11 Electronics
(not running) Electronic circuit design
ET3056TU Hardware implementation project
(not running) Hardware implementation phase of the minor �EE-Mi-109-13 Electrical Engineering for Autonomous Exploration Robots�
Projects history
PIPP OLFAR: Breakthrough technologies for Interferometry in Space
Combine multiple satellites into one single scientific instrument: a radio telescope in space
- Out-of-Band Immunity to Interference of Single-Ended Baseband Amplifiers Through $IM_2$ Cancellation
Totev, Emil; Huang, Cong; de Vreede, Leo C. N.; Long, John R.; Serdijn, Wouter A.; Verhoeven, Chris;
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers,
Volume 63, Issue 11, pp. 1785-1793, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2016.2593341
BibTeX support
Last updated: 16 Jun 2022

Chris Verhoeven
- +31 15 27 86482
- C.J.M.Verhoeven@TUDelft.NL
- Room: HB 19.320
- List of publications