MSc thesis project proposals Here is a list of possible MSc thesis projects. This is intended just to give an idea, actual projects are usually defined after discussion with the advisor. [2022] Wake-Up Receiver for Low-Power Internet of Things Applications [2022] Charge-Sampling Fractional-N PLL (SiTime) [2022] A Low-Power Sub-GHz WiFi Receiver [2022] Design of a Cryogenic Isolator and MUX for Quantum Computers [2022] Low-Phase-Noise VCO for Sub-10fs-Jitter PLL (SiTime) [2022] a Reference-less Clock and Data Recovery (CDR) Block for Wireline Applications [2022] Fully passive low-noise amplifiers [2022] A supply-noise-immune ADPLL with wide tuning range (Silicon Integrated) Further information List of MSc students MSc thesis guidelines MSc thesis examples