MSc thesis project proposal
Development of a fully coupled FEA-based transducer model
Project outside the university
SonionThis project is in collaboration with Sonion, a company based in Hoofddorp. Within this project, there are possibilities for a final project and also an internship.
The goals of the project are:
1. Implementation of efficient computational models coupling electromagnetics, solid mechanics and acoustics via COMSOL Multiphysics software. The focus will be on speeding up the simulations, while preserving the accuracy of the FEM models.
2. Modeling complex physical phenomena including nonlinearities in the magnetic and/or solid mechanic domains, in frequency and time domains, with validation of the predictions by measurements. Further, the investigation will include a parameter sensitivity analysis for different physical features like thermo-viscous boundary layers, magnetic hysteresis and saturations.
Required competences
• At least a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and/or physics
• Knowledge of engineering processes/principles
• Ability to write technical documentation
• Capable of thinking on a system level as well as on component level
• Familiarity with one (or more) of the following topics: acoustics, finite element methods, electromagnetism, computational mechanics.
• Easy learner (to use new FEM-based softwares (COMSOL) or SPICE simulators (OrCAD, LTSpice).
• Basic knowledge of Mathworks Matlab.
• Result driven
• Pro-actively searching for solutions
• Not afraid to think “outside of the box”
prof.dr. Paddy French
Bioelectronics Group
Department of Microelectronics
Last modified: 2022-11-21